2010 the idea was in motion now 2011 it’s launched. Having heard everyone talking about the new funky on trend fashion statement Sunglasses I had to pry, and set off to meet in the most extreme shopping extravaganza experience, two vibrant West London ladies in Westfield (left Ufuoma22 and right Sandra23) about their business URSTUNNERZ.
Tea - Why' URSTUNNERZ' girlies where did it come from?
We wanted a name that actually would integrate both of out names my names Ufuoma which begins with a U and Sandra with an S, so we thought what names fits in with both of us!
Sandra was like what about UrStunnerz?
And from there I said you know what I LOVE IT! It portrays our swag, at the same time our names are involved. So UrStunnerz
Tea- Explain what Swagg is because I know but maybe everyone else might need notifying
Sandra -
Swagg can be everything, depending on the individual and depending on your personality when some one has swag you are born with swagg naturally and physically you know how to put two and two together. When someone sees you they know you are a hot piece of cake its that aura you spread around you.
You don’t have to be the most fashionable person, you might just have that (casually pauses) … swag! That confidence when you walking people can see it and feel it.
Tea- How did this business start?
S-One day we were talking and wanted to do something…
(Ufoma joins)
Everyone starts a clothing line were are very much into fashion but didn’t want to go down the clothing route, we thought lets do something that’s different The UK market hasn’t targeted yet developing eclectic sunglasses its quite common in America but not so much this side of the world, UK and Europe itself. We thought to take it somewhere different. It’s all about being different and we are creative people.
Tea- Why sunglasses?
S-Sunglasses is a piece of accessory it adds to your swag. When you have on your sunglasses, I don’t know about other people but I feel fly, depending on the sunglasses your wearing. When your wearing UrStunnerz it’s a statement people will ask where you got them from.
Tea- Do you believe glasses work better than tee shirt? because it is and has always been a big thing, easy and accessible to do.
To be honest you look at Victoria Beckham, Rihanna, Amber Rose to name a few they have always had on a pair of fly sun glasses, whether its sun rain night day. Its not about jewellery or tee-shirts per say you can still do tee shirts but when you have a pair of sunglasses on you could be wearing all black but when the sunglasses are hot and interesting! Its sets the whole outfit off.
Even if you go out to a club, fashion shows ect.. It’s a statement
Tea- How are the glasses all made?
They are all hand made, we buy our materials abroad we travel, everything that we do is hand made.
Each individual glasses are bespoke glasses each one of them we only make two pairs, a sample and ones for the clients. We create what we feel, we don’t have design books.
Tea- Which UK artist/ celebrity Would you like to see wear your glasses? Victoria Beckham Fashion Designer Business woman*Image not taken/responsible of the writer
(Both state)
Jessie J ... confirmed.
Tea- Do you feel she has that British style? Jessie J SongWriter and Singer *Image not taken/responsible of the writer
So what about Keira Knightly?
She could wear our shades but no so much the wild risk taking ones maybe our more mellow ones like this… (Pulls out glasses from gold pocket protector)
Tea- Have you given a name to that particular glasses?
'White goggle frame' it has white crystals to wear day or night
(I jump in for the experience and try on)
Miss Knightley British Actress and Model humble image inculded by 'UrStunnerz'(*Image not taken/responsible of the writer)
Tea- So how would I wear these in the day?
Biker boots, heels, wedges
Tea- How has working as a team helped you, as buisness partners and with the lauch of the
U-Everything has been kept in the family… this is my cousin (turns to Sandra) we done this fashion shoot for the web together. People can be sceptical but usually are willing to help for example some people we know have done modelling before.
Tea- Anyone you would like to thank give a shout out to?
(Both smile and announce happily)
ADD he’s fantastic to work with and Gideon as well. Abdul he designed the website its been a pleasure its nice to work with people that are upcoming together.
Tea- How do you make decisions?
S- Our personality’s are the same if you notice we wear the same clothes, we know want we want and go with it. With our degrees in Accountancy and IT rubs well together for this business. We discuss thoughts and more time it works.
Tea- Who inspires you influences you?
(Laugh together)S-
Our family theres alot of role models their and my sister she designs
Fashion in general inspires me. Fashion is like art is all about being creative, and wearing what you want to wear.
Tea- So would there be a priority type of dressing for you such as a vintage, chic or high fashion look?
No. no ! You could see me in my Louboutins one-day then doc Martins rocking the UrStunnerz
Tea- What is the future/ other projects for UrStunners?
The future is taking it to the next level Topshop, London Fashion week would be great
Tea- You mentioned Topshop, which is British, and very big over in the states now it seems you’re proud to be British designer and a Londoner?
S- Yeah100% we have to set off in out own turfs. As Brits londoners we tend to have this vibe everyone knows …they know
Bubbly and ambitious and bold all the best for 'UrStunnerz'
SunGlasses ranage are NOW AVAILABLE to buy via Offical Website:-
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