Monday, 4 July 2011


July is here and the weathers looking up in the UK!
While everyone maybe looking great with stunning hairdos accessories and latest purchases, we need to think about or health and what happens inside our bodies for the summer.

So I'm going to shake up a few important essentials with the following reminders (females as well as males!)

  • DRINK DRINK DRINK and I mean... water people, we need to hydrate ourselves helping to provide glowing skin and healthy hair and releases unwanted salts and sugary foods from our systems  that we eat in the hot season. Plus we want to deter from the horrid and embarrassing smells that erupt our noses in a supermarket or crowed lift.

  • Moisturizer > Some need it more than others but summer is crucial as sunburn happens and again the our skin in thirsty and needs that little more of bit TLC you should do. Elbows face legs goes a long way females may have cracking of the heels in those pumps heels or cute sandels.

  • Make up does NOT need a lot of application in the summer otherwise the pores and face overall feels heavy and makeup appears clammy so good make up wipes and making sure you take off your makeup is a must! Tie hair up when doing makeup or make a quiff or slick pony tail. Wearing hair off you face is better for summer.

Think do and Embrace the the following images and you should be fresh, free, sexy and cool,  stress free... for the summer
Purchase at local high streetstores and  major department stores Boots, Superdrugs  Bodyshop, Mac Debenhams, Selfrigdes, Sainburys, Tesco

*All images are not taken or responsible of the writer

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